Behind the Scenes / FAQs
For all you curious folk, here's a few answers to questions I get asked frequently....(like a LOT LOT)!
YES, my entire range is handmade. Every product is blended and poured into bottles by hand. Every label is placed by hand. My family and friends can testify to this, especially if I've asked them to pop over and help when it's become too much for me.
YES, I use pure, PURE essential oils in my range. YES, I do know the difference between a fragrance and an essential oil. I am a qualified aromatherapist.
NO I do not belong to an MLM group. I source my oils from Australian farmers, growers. I prefer to support my fellow Australians. For exotic oils I rely on quality importers as most essential oil businesses do.
NO thank you I do not wish to attend your MLM party.
NO I do not make my own essential oils. It would be too difficult to assure you of consistent quality...besides I think my neighbours would have a problem with the amount of plant material I would need to have lying around to make the quantities of essential oil I need. For example it takes 20kg of rose petals to produce approximately 10ml of rose essential oil....and that's just one essential oil out of the 40 I use in my range!
YES, I make all my essential oil blends. They are unique to me. Blends are mixtures of essential oils. I put A LOT of hard work and continuous study into coming up with my unique essential oil blends.
YES I do supply wholesale.
NO my range is not overpriced.
YES I do make corporate gift boxes, event boxes and gifts for weddings, thank yous etc.
YES I do LOVE to hear from you. Email me, write me your feedback and encouragement can only help!
YES I do LOVE what I do and despite being quite a private person I enjoy meeting amazing people like you at markets, pop ups etc and helping you find your calm.
YES every time you purchase a product I still get butterflies...I pinch myself that I get to live my dream. I will always be grateful for you. ALWAYS.
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