Blended with Love - an honest review of our lifestyle blends
Allow me to introduce my dear friend Shana McKibben.
A few weeks ago, I asked Shana if she like to borrow one of our new oil diffusers and range of lifestyle blends. In return I asked her to write an honest review for the website.
Now, I can hear you say 'well of course your friend is going to say nice things about your range.' You would say that if you didn't know Shana. She is one of the most straight talking, no nonsense women I know - and I appreciate her impartial, timely input. If she doesn't like something - she won't beat about the bush.
So here is Shana's independent, no nonsense review of our lifestyle blends.
PS - Shana is a freelance writer and editor (just in case you're looking for one).
A few weeks ago I was asked by my beautiful friend Ennia from Fleurette Aromatherapy to use and review her new diffuser. I had been on the market for a diffuser and searching for one I liked the look of for a while. I also wanted one that was easy to use and would not fall apart after a month.
Fleurette's glass dome and wood effect diffuser is beautiful. I love how effective the three levels of mist are and how much is actually released on the strongest setting. It works instantly and you can smell the oils within seconds. When I first opened the instructions I was slightly overwhelmed at its length! But don’t worry, it is not complicated or hard to use at all – just make sure you do read these.
The oils themselves are just lovely too. Ennia has done an amazing job at blending these quality oils to create moods and atmospheres and memories that I just love.
Some of them are strong and vibrant and I need only 3-4 drops in the diffuser - like Romance in the Vineyards and Peace & Quiet (my two favourites), while others need a little more encouragement like Happy Memories, which I need 6-8 drops of for it to be present.
One of my favourite things to do is diffuse Clean Air in the kitchen after cooking or taking the bins out and it completely eradicates the unwanted odours and literally cleans the air. Love it. I highly recommend these products and simply love this company and the courageous woman behind it.
P.S. Of course I now have purchased my own diffuser and it is quietly misting away beside me filling the air with rose and love.
Shana McKibben
editor@shanamckibben.com.auWould you like to review products from our range? You don't have to be a writer - you do have to be honest and enjoy using essential oils ;) Get in touch with me by email ennia@fleurette.com.au I can't wait to hear from you.
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