My aromatherapy story began long before I knew what an essential oil was.
I grew up overseas surrounded by a large, boisterous immediate and extended family network. There was never a dull moment – I loved it.
I owe my passion in part to one of my great aunts – Tete Odette. I remember her cheeky grin and quick wit like it was yesterday. There was no one who knew more about bush medicine than her. She knew which herb to use to soothe a stomach ache, which root to chew if you had a headache and had tincture recipes for everything under the sun.
She lived with purpose.
It was love at first smell.
It was love at first as a child, I was on the receiving end of her many natural solutions and her bold passion for nature’s pharmacy rubbed off on me.
My life was forever changed when a few years later my entrepreneurial parents bought an aromatherapy business from family friends who were ready to retire and enjoy their golden years. It was love at first smell.
I spent my school holidays behind the scenes - learning about essential oils, how to blend products, pack shelves, observe safety protocols, work the till, how to build a team, talking to customers, displaying products or accompanying my parents to meetings with retailers and investors.
I was and remain an enthusiastic sponge for all things aromatherapy.
Blending oils is an art.
When the time came for me to leave home and move to Australia, I knew aromatherapy would somehow be a part of my future.
I completed my university degree and officially studied aromatherapy and massage part time before deciding to take the plunge and continue my love affair with aromatherapy by starting my own brand – Fleurette Aromatherapy. I choose to approach aromatherapy as an art and a science. Blending oils is an art.
Anyone can throw chamomile and lavender oils together – for me, it’s about knowing which chamomile oil and which lavender oil, from particular regions around the world, in certain proportions will produce pure moments of peace and quiet.
It is encouraging to see and hear that more and more clinical studies of essential oils are being conducted in Europe, Australia, Japan, India, the United States, and Canada with substantive, positive results. I am particularly interested in current literature about essential oils in a healthcare setting – notably the works of Jane Buckle, Kayla Fioravanti, Julie Lawless and Valerie Ann Worwood.
I believe that modern medicine and complementary therapies can and should work alongside each other. There are many benefits for both sides.
All products are made by hand with love.
Fleurette Aromatherapy and I are not aligned with any essential oil multi-level marketing schemes. I rely on my experience, values, knowledge and training to choose which essential oil growers, farmers and distributors to partner with. This approach works well for me as I continue to learn from other passionate professionals and suppliers about their farming techniques, distillation methods and see first-hand the effort and care they put into their work.
I am dedicated to growing a brand that celebrates straightforward, uncomplicated aromatherapy that busy people from all walks of life can relate to. I am committed to producing and developing my range with care and attention. All products are made by hand with love.
I am grateful to all of our wholesale partners who have included the Fleurette brand in their retails stores. I am thankful to have the opportunity to follow my heart and see that dreams can come true. I often think back to the time I had with my great aunt and realise life always leaves clues about your purpose on this planet… I know I’ve answered my calling.
I hope you will fall in love with Fleurette as much as I have.
With love